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2020  Canadian Cutting Horse Association,  Champions


Champion "RPL Cat N Around"  owned By Jim & Monica Wille  shown by Dustin Gonnet
2nd  "Catsa Spot" owned by JT Bell shown by Glen Beveridge 
3rd  "Justa Swingin Cat" owned by Dennis Nolin shown by Gerry Hansma 
4th  "Highbrow Clay 012" owned by Connie Down-Cicoria shown by Cody Smith 
5th " likeeverythirdtime" owned by Amanda Fill shown by Travis Rempel 

Non Pro

 Champion  Haley Stradling showing "Swampware" 
2nd  Les Jack showing "Smart Dark and Hot"
3rd  Heather Pedersen showing "Downtown Calico" 
4th  Doug Wiens showing "This Cats Max"
5th  Marilyn Anderson showing "Come away with me"

$5000 Novice Horse

Champion  "Poor Lil Guy" Owned By Penelope Broad shown by  Travis Rempel 
2nd  "Cher The Sugar" owned by Connie Down-Cicoria shown by  Cody Smith 
3rd  "Outta The Woods" Owned by Copperstone Ranch shown by  Gerry Hansma 
4th  "Dirty Paws" Owned by Chad & Lisa Eaton shown by Dustin Gonnet 
5th  "Ironmans Cat" Owned by Hollingworth Farms shown by  Glen Beveridge

$ 5000 N.P.N.H

Champion  Melissa Klassen showing "Yu Hottish"
2nd  Kaila Stewart showing "Bet Hesa Lena" 
3rd  Penelope Broad showing "Poor Lil Guy" 
4th  Melonie Armstrong showing "Shinesintheboonlight"
5th  Matthew Anderson showing "Into The Badger Den"

$25 000 Novice Horse

Champion  "Who Are You Anyway" owned by Barbara Stewart shown by  Gerry Hansma 
2nd  "Red Hott Cat" owned by Sherrick Holdings shown by Dustin Gonnet 
3rd  "Lois Lane" owned by Jim Mann shown by Travis Rempel 
4th  "Cats Lil Peptolena" owned by Amanda Weber shown by Glen Beveridge
5th  "Olenasdually Boonsmal" owned by Carol Bailey shown by Dustin Gonnet 

$25 000 NPNH

Champion  Amanda Smith showing "Emma Rey"
2nd  Binki Moffat showing "Smart Instantly"
3rd  Colin VanDenBrink showing "Catsonova"
4th  Doug Vanee  showing  "John E Boon"
5th  Dwight Fisher showing "Smart Anna Doc"

50 000 Amateur

Champion  Connie Down-Cicoria showing "Shes Gleeful"
2nd  Kathie Fisher showing "RPL Smart Ruby Rey"
3rd  Colin VanDenBrink showing "Catsonova"
4th  Doug Wiens showing "This Cats Max"
5th  Doreen Ruggles showing "Hala Cat"


Champion  Michelle VanDenBrink showing "Prettiest Cat Yet" 
2nd  Skye Christianson showing "Dually 66"
3rd  Douglas Vandekerkhove showing "Rio Merada"
4th  Amanda Fill showing "Rio Merada"

$15 000 Amateur

Champion  Bill Hutton showing "Athenas Little Jazz"
2nd  Jim Szuszkiel showing "Rockin Dual J"
3rd  Meredith Simister showing "Dreamin Sweet"
4th  Cole Nelson showing "Redd Hott Socks" 
5th  Amanda Vandekerkhove showing "Qeuixotes Catagious"

$2000 Rider

Champion  Brennan Porterfield showing "WS Shorty Cat"
2nd  Amanda Weber showing "Cats Lil Peptolena"
3rd  Tory Correale showing "Lois Lane"
4th  Amanda Vandekerkhove showing "RCR All Ready A Cat"
5th  Greta Wurtz showing "Sweet Pepto Again"

SR Youth

Champion  Indiana Buchinski showing "DFL D Ors Freckle"
2nd  Colten Powell  showing "Shes Gleeful"

JR Youth

Champion  Greta Wurtz showing "Sweet Pepto Again"
2nd  Destry Gonnet showing "Boon Katz" 
3rd  Brooklyn Beveridge showing "Cata Spot"
4th  Charli Wurtz showing "Sonitas Colonel Pep"

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